Masih soal lagu dan musrik eh musik, gw sempet pernah coba2 buat lirik lagu or syair mungkin ya..Sekitar 3 0r 4 tahun lalu, dengan herannya muncul ide entah darimana tiba2 aja liriknya tercipta begitu saja melalui otak gw yg jenius ini.. :p
awal mulanya emang salah satu kerabat minta dibuatin lirik lagu buat band-nya,, gw cuma dikasih tema tentang orang yg menyesali kesalahannya n pingin nyicip surga.. hmm,, mungkin lebih tepatnya lagu religi or insyafnya anak metal kali ye... :p
yg bakal gw share disini reference-nya aja or yg biasa disingkat org reff..
kira begini:
I know the death is so close to me
every time I can die
and the sadness embrace me when I realize that I have nothing to break Your heaven's gate
Hate to thing that hell will be mine.. no i won't
please, send Your angel to say that's not true
I just wanna close to your heaven
...♫ ♪ ♫
every time I can die
and the sadness embrace me when I realize that I have nothing to break Your heaven's gate
Hate to thing that hell will be mine.. no i won't
please, send Your angel to say that's not true
I just wanna close to your heaven
...♫ ♪ ♫
dah segitu aja ya.. cz ntar kalo utuh bakal dibajak lagi :p
hahaha *Vampire Pede*
hahaha *Vampire Pede*
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